Free Services of You do not have to be a member to be listed in the directory.
Just submit the following information (required fields are in RED): Company Name: Type: (current selections include Artisans, Associations, Consultants, Growers, Mills, Nurseries, Promoters, Reforestation Acivists, Researchers, Retail Outlets; but feel free to put in a new one if none of these fit!):
Contact person:
Street or PO Box: City: State:
Postal Code: Country:
Email Address: (The @ddress will not appear on the directory listing, nor will you receive SPAM from
Nominate a Link to a web page you feel informs the Paulownia community: Category: The categories in the bibliography currently are Eco-action, Propagation, Properties, Research, Taxonomy, Woodworking; feel free to add a new one if you feel it is needed.
Promote an Event of interest to the Paulownia community: Start date: End date: Event description: |